Plot Sales and Part-Exchange
Plot Sales and Part-Exchange
Acting for housebuilders and registered providers (such as housing associations), site set ups for the Lamb Brooks Property Law Team can range from a few plots to several hundred and involve apartment schemes with leases and management arrangements. The Lamb Brooks Property Law Team work closely to achieve the best outcome for the drawing up of the required documents in readiness for the first plot sale, especially taking into account bespoke requirements of the Help to Buy Scheme.
We liaise with our developer clients, their sales team and buyers solicitors by way of conference calls and electronic follow up status reports so that accurate information is known to all.
As part of this service we commonly deal with part-exchange properties ensuring that all legal aspects of the property are in order because of the quick re-sale required.
If you have a development that you are looking to progress please speak to our team for further information - or 01256 844888
Get In Touch
Key Contacts
Sheena Aston
Partner & Head of Property Law
Janine Pendry Clark
Partner & Chartered Legal Executive
Mandy Brown
Conveyancing Executive
Az Perwaz
Adrianna Koscielniak
Amelia Cox
Calvin Reels
Trainee Solicitor
Rhys Nagle
Donna Fairhead
Conveyancing Assistant
Matteo Perez Rios
Legal Assistant
Tommy Tobiasz
Legal Assistant
Sarah Barbour
Legal Assistant