Sally Daya is a Legal Secretary within the Private Client Team at Lamb Brooks.
Sally has many years of experience working for law firms in England and Australia and has worked in different departments such as Clinical Negligence, and Contentious Probate and helped out when necessary in Residential Property, Employment, and Court of Protection.
Key Specialisms / Work Areas
Typing | Preparing Documents | Taking Calls | Making Appointments | Organising Meetings & Events | Preparing Court Bundles | Liaising with Clients | Opening Files | Archiving | Taking Minutes
Sally Daya

Sally enjoys a challenge and likes to make life as easy as possible for those she works with and for our clients. Sally enjoys streamlining procedures and working on large projects.
Whilst in Africa Sally set up a charity to help feral cats living on the streets and initiated a large Trap Neuter Program across Harare. She now consults for the charity which has sterilized over 2000 street cats and rescued and rehomed over 600 kittens.
Loves: Travelling | Meeting New People | Kittens
Loathes: Flying | Litter | Incompetency