Bullying & Harassment
Bullying & Harassment
Whilst you have a right to work in a safe working environment and not be victimised in the workplace, bullied or suffering from workplace harassment, there is no standalone bullying claim that you can bring in the employment tribunal. In such circumstance however, this could lead to a claim of constructive dismissal.
Harassment may constitute unlawful discrimination where it relates to a protected characteristic (e.g. sex, race, religion, disability etc.). This may take many forms and can include any unwanted verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct that violates your dignity or intimidates, or is hostile or offensive to you. This could be a single incident or a series of repetitive behaviour over a period of time.
The Lamb Brooks Employment Law Department located in Basingstoke, Hampshire. Understands the personal impact that such behaviour can have on you, as well as the complex area of law that covers this type of workplace conduct.
If you think that you are being subjected to bullying behaviour or discriminatory harassment, call our Employment Law Department today.
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Key Contacts
Nour Belal
Legal Director & Head of Employment Law
Charlie-Anne Smith
Cristyn Evans
Trainee Solicitor
Jordania Misson