The Impact of Delayed Cancer Treatment

It is estimated that there are 3 million people living with cancer in the United Kingdom and this number is expected to rise.1

Despite medical advancements in cancer treatments, the waiting time to start treatment is worsening. Only 65.9% of patients diagnosed with cancer have been starting treatment within 62 days.2

The impact of this can be life altering. If a person diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer, does not start treatment at the earliest opportunity this can greatly affect their chance of survival. 

A delay in treatment can result in:

  • Different and potentially limited treatment options
  • More invasive treatment or surgery
  • The cancer spreading and metastasising
  • Terminal disease

Prompt diagnosis and treatment of cancer is key for a patient to have the best chances of recovery and survival.

If you think you have suffered from a delay in diagnosing cancer or access to treatment and this has impacted your care, please feel free to get in touch today on 01256 844888 or   

In these cases, a person is entitled to make a claim for compensation. A successful claim would include an award for pain, suffering and loss of amenity as well as out of pocket expenses such as loss of earnings and other expenditure.

All initial conversations are free of charge, confidential and you would be under no obligation.  We also work on No Win/No Fee basis for any claims that we are able to assist with.

1Cancer statistics fact sheet | Macmillan Cancer Support

2 Cancer waiting times: Latest updates and analysis (

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