Some positive changes are coming to give tenants more protection with the Renters Reform Bill.
Over 13 million people in the UK live in rented properties through a private landlord. A large proportion of this number is made up of young people and families. Every year a large number of people face issues with their landlords and with the cost of living rising, more families are likely to feel the pressure. Issues might include disputes over rent, damage or disrepairs, changes to contracts or evictions. Since 2019 nearly 230,000 private renters in England received no-fault eviction notices.
To help even the playing field, proposed changes have been put forward and will now be discussed in parliament.

Renters Reform Bill – What are the changes?
- Landlords will be prevented form evicting tenants without giving a reason
- Blanket bans on renting to families, those with pets, or those in receipt of benefits will be stopped
- Requests to allow tenants to own pets must be considered by landlords
- The notice period for rent increases will be doubled
- Increased power for tenants to challenge unjustified rent increases
- Rent refunds to be available to those living in unhealthy, unsafe or poor-quality homes
- Ending of ‘arbitrary’ rent-review clauses
These changes will help many people to feel more secure in their rental properties and offer more protection.
Advice on Landlord and Tenant Disputes
If you have an ongoing dispute with your landlord and need some legal advice, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our Dispute Resolution team who can help you find a way forward.
We offer a Fixed Fee appointment of either 30 minutes or 60 minutes where you can discuss your situation with an experienced professional who can give you tailored advice and help you resolve matters in the best possible way.
Call us on 01256 844888, email or speak to our online chat assistant today.